Why Get Into Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship makes more and more young people dream and specialized training in the field is developing. More freedom, but also more risk, becoming an entrepreneur is a rewarding life choice that requires a certain maturity, a lot of ambition and unfailing motivation.
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Freedom is the first advantage of being your own boss as an entrepreneur. Freedom to choose your collaborators, freedom on schedules too, to establish your own decision-making processes, to be creative, to experiment or even make mistakes. This freedom is obviously the corollary of an increased responsibility.
The Responsibility
By being an entrepreneur and responsible for your business, you are the only one to take responsibility for your decisions, whether good or bad. In the first case, you will be very proud and will be able to grow your business, in the second, you will have to know how to take the hit, bounce back and learn from your mistakes.
Continuous Learning
In entrepreneurship, there will always be mistakes, failures and the great strength of entrepreneurs is to learn from their failures. These experiments are essential to the development of a good professional because we rarely reproduce the same mistakes twice. This learning process, if it can be more violent than under an employee status, will nevertheless allow you to grow quickly in maturity.
Less Challenges
For adrenaline junkies, nothing better than entrepreneurship. The challenges will follow one another, whether they are economic, tax, legal, commercial, recruitment or management, the days will follow one another without looking alike. The junior entrepreneur is above all versatile, with a great capacity for decision-making and someone for whom the challenge is a source of motivation more than concern.
Entrepreneurship is the corollary of responsibility but also of satisfaction. What could be more pleasant to surpass yourself on a daily basis, to set goals and achieve them, to see your business grow, to be your own boss, in short: what pride in this challenging but rewarding job.
Last advantage, not the least, of entrepreneurship: nomadism or the possibility of doing “workation”. This recent concept, at the crossroads of “work” and “vacations” which is developing more and more, gives the entrepreneur the freedom to be nomadic. Thanks to the development of information and communication technologies, it is now possible for him to work and develop his business from all over the world .
ESAM, a school of management, corporate finance and law , trains future entrepreneurs through a specialized “entrepreneurship” course and infrastructures dedicated to this activity such as an incubator and a talent pool.
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