Keys To A Successful Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation : Each organization, with its specific needs and problems, is different. That is why each one experiences the digital transformation process in a specific way.
Table of Contents
Key 1: The Key Is Not Technology But Management
The simple fact of incorporating new technology into the company does not guarantee improvements in productivity and competitiveness. Improvements are achieved with a different, more efficient management, in which decisions are made faster and with better information. The question is to adapt the company so that people organize and communicate more efficiently and thus take advantage of the opportunities that new technologies offer us.
Key 2: Management Involvement
The digital transformation should not be left in the hands of a single department or users, who will improve their productivity under local optima but without a global vision. The comprehensive vision of management is more than necessary. Digitization is a far-reaching project that includes important decisions that will affect the medium and long term, and that can affect the company’s strategy, boosting or slowing it down. That is why senior management must endorse these decisions and participate in the meetings that set the course.
Key 3: Clear Vision And Objectives
Any successful digital transformation must start from a new management approach in accordance with the vision of where the company wants to go. Digital transformation as a strategic project, therefore, must be perfectly aligned with the company’s vision and general objectives.
Key 4: The Starting Situation Must Be Clear
Before undertaking a digital transformation project, it is essential to have a diagnosis of the company regarding the factors that affect digitalization, such as people, their knowledge or their predisposition to change, the organization and the information flows between the different departments , with customers and suppliers, integrated systems in the company or information and data, which will mark the scope of the project.
Key 5: Digital Transformation Plan
The digital transformation plan encompasses all the activities, shows how they link with each other and makes it possible for the entire company to be clear about the phases that are going to be executed, when, and what is going to be achieved in each phase. This provides a shared vision of the goals, of the tasks that have to be done for each moment and of what is needed for it.
Key 6: A Promoter Is Needed
A person who leads the project is key, who connects the needs of the users with the objectives of senior management, who coordinates with the company that advises and helps in the digital transformation and who makes sure that the transformation plan is fulfilled.
Key 7: Commitment
The team must be committed to the plan and to carrying it out. It is necessary to make everyone who makes up the company or organization see that it is not something for the interests of senior management or a specific department, but that it will affect everyone in a positive way.
Key 8: Without Hurry But Without Pause
You need to set deadlines and goals. The lack of vision regarding digital transformation is the main cause of the disappearance of 50% of Fortune 500 companies since the year 2000. Companies that sell internationally are more sensitive to digitalization than those that operate in the local market; they compete in a global market, and they are aware of the greater competitiveness and productivity of those competitors who are on their way to digital transformation.
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