Checklist For New Digital Marketing Directors

Checklist For New Digital Marketing Directors: As a digital marketing agency our duty is to align with the objective and needs of the marketing director.

During these years we have had many experiences with new marketing directors and we know that landing in this position in a new company is complicated.

For this reason, we have decided to make this post where we give some brief ideas to help the new marketing director who arrives at a company. Is this your case?

Obviously the first question when you come to the CMO position again, the question you will ask yourself is: What can I do to improve my marketing results? The fact is that many times the figure of the marketing director remains at the same points as always. The objective of this post is to help you go a little further in your role.

Surely you already have a lot of ideas on how to change and improve the strategy, the department or the brand, but surely with this checklist for new digital marketing directors you can reinforce and improve your entry into the company as a marketing manager.


  1. Listen, find out well about all the current operation.
  • Be open without judging until you understand why things are the way they are today.
  • Ask to be an observer in team meetings. Conduct an informal interview with each member to understand their capabilities and skills.
  • Meet with the sales department (if there is one) and understand their expectations.
  1. Know in depth the needs and motivations of the CEO or management committee when hiring you. Set expectations from the first moment.
  2. Establish an effective communication channel towards the CEO or management committee. It can be email, weekly, daily, monthly meetings, or whatever you consider optimal.
  3. Review the corporate identity, image and positioning of the brand in the market.
  4. Examine the technological infrastructure to ensure that it is user-friendly and optimal for everybody:
  • CRM
  • WEB Showcases
  • Landings
  1. Identify your buyer persona and your ideal target. Think about where to find it.
  2. Establish project management software: Trello, Asana…
  3. Identify the team’s key players and include them in your strategy.
  4. Examine the company’s primary KPIs and make sure the tracking is accurate.
  5. Establish a dashboard or global command panel. You can use DataStudio, PowerBI…
  6. Audit current marketing and recruitment channels. In addition to relying on internal experts, ask for an outside assessment of your paid media channels, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Ads.
  7. Perform an SEO audit of the website.
  8. Review the previous cost items and establish unnecessary expenses that could lead to cost savings and a useful budget increase.
  9. Make sure you have a clear and marked budget to avoid possible future conflicts.
  10. Establish a predictive marketing system that helps with data to improve results: byratings, etc.
  11. Develop a user and lead nurturing strategy based on inbound marketing.
  12. Communicate successes with headlines up and down the organization.
  13. Analyze your competition, extract ideas: semrush, Facebook library, Google Ads…
  14. Perform a SWOT.
  15. Analyze your competition’s prices and consider making adjustments either upward or downward to be competitive or more profitable.
  16. Understand the seasonality of the sector and propose adapted measures.
  17. Detect repetitive tasks performed by your team and automate them to gain productivity.
  18. Establish a CRO strategy in your company that allows you to improve the conversion of your website incrementally and continuously.

Start Being A Better Digital Marketing Director

You can see that they are only suggestions.  We did not want to stay with the classic content of the functions of a marketing director but rather help you in one more step.

I’m sure you have many more and better ones than ours. Can you help us complete this checklist for new digital marketing directors with ideas in the comments?

I think the best advice we can give from marketingin house is to follow point

If you enter as CMO in a new company, a lot will be expected of you. You come in to improve results and they will have expectations for your work, but don’t want to rush, first understand and judge for yourself what exists previously. Then, use your judgment, experience and good work to take your company to another level.

Also read : Linkedin

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